Thursday, October 4, 2018

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new"

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new- Albert Einstein

Thoughts on the quote:
Many times in life we consider mistakes as a sign of failure. However, most of the time those mistakes is our learning progress; it makes us wiser for future decisions. The famous quote from Albert Einstein is true when we chose to look at it in a positive way. We will never know what we will get unless we chose to be brave and try new things. Trying new things might be scary but most of the time it is when we learn and gain experiences. Mistakes no matter how big it may be, it will help shape us become a better person.


  1. I absolutely love this blog post idea! This quote has a lot of meaning to it. I like how mistakes make you better at the end of the day because you learn from them.

  2. What a very nice thought, I really agree to what your are saying. I also believe that it is a learning process and a stepping stone that is getting closer to your goal.

  3. I love your blog! I love positive quotes too.
    Sometimes, I get scared to make mistakes when I try something new, but I am believing in the quote that making mistakes is evidence that I am challenging, and the important thing is to try to learn from mistakes and not to repeat the same mistakes.

  4. I really enjoyed this blog post and agree with Julie. A little positivity goes a long way. This quote is so true and I believe it's a quote that college students should consistently keep in mind. No one is perfect and there will be bumps along the way, however, the end result is what makes it all worth it.

  5. The third one was Akane's comment. I couldn't figure out how to log in at that time.



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